Here's a "pro tip" for your next bathroom remodeling project: design an easy-to-clean space. Why? Of all household chores, bathroom cleaning might be the most frustrating - and the most important. Bathrooms can harbor nasty bacteria that can compromise your health. Think about mold between your grout lines! Or any of the nineteen potential species of bacteria on your sink!
Unfortunately, most bathroom designs do not account for ease-of-cleaning. All too often, homeowners choose aesthetics over function. But a functional, easy-to-clean bathroom does not have to skimp on beauty. With a few simple tweaks, your next bathroom upgrade can provide breathless beauty and functionality. Discuss our four simple tips below with your bathroom renovation company, and save yourself the hassle of a hard-to-clean bathroom!
1. Eliminate Grout
Most homeowners are familiar with the unenviable task of cleaning dirty grout lines. Grout can harbor dirt as well as mildew and mold, and often requires replacement. Why not ditch the hassle? Traditionally, grout might've seemed essential to a bathroom remodeling project, but modern bathroom renovations are incorporating groutless solid surfaces on bathroom walls and shower stalls. Think stone slabs or back-painted glass for your walls and countertops. Both provide beauty without grout!
2. Wall-Mount Your Fixtures
If you've ever cleaned a toilet you know the annoyance of reaching all those nooks and grannies on your hands and knees. Don't blame the toilet! The problem isn't the annoying toilet - it's the faulty design! Wall-mounted fixtures make cleaning a breeze. With a wall-mounted toilet, the challenge of cleaning underneath is dramatically diminished. And without the toilet on your floor, you can easily mop. Besides the toilet, a wall-mounted faucet is an excellent bathroom upgrade.
3. When in Rome...
Bathrooms have included tiles since the Roman Empire, and today many homeowners are opting for a nifty design trick that harkens back to Caesar's time. The so-called "European bathroom" avoids tubs and other floor-mounted fixtures for a barrier-free floor. The key to a seamless bathroom floor is creating a slight (imperceptible) slope that leads to a central drain. In this type of bathroom design, you can install your shower right next to your wall mounted toilet, and if you if you have a handheld showerhead, you can simply spray the entire area for a quick clean!
4. Install Proper Ventilation
Most contemporary bathrooms include useless fans that seem to create more sound than ventilation. Proper ventilation is the key to an easy-to-clean bathroom. If possible, functional windows offer the best option for ventilation, but a quiet fan can also provide much-needed air-circulation to deal with all that excessive moisture.